Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

Introduction Myself

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Hi Friends, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Arum. My nickname Arume / Ume / Arum. I am 21 years old. I was born in jakarta. I am a woman. I am a citizen of Indonesia. My religion is Muslim (Islam). I was born in August.

My family consists of four people. I am the first child of two daughter. my brother 15 years. My brother was a student at SMAN 15 Bekasi. My father worked as an entrepreneur. My father sold a painting job. My mother worked as a housewife. I live in Bekasi. Precisely in the area Jatirasa. My house is close to the Elementary School Jatirasa 8. Too close to my house Toll Jatiasih access.

I am a good person, friendly and honest. I love reading books, especially comic books and novels. Busyness is the home of my mother helped tidy up the house.
I have a hobby of drawing, designing, making hand skills, singing, dancing. I have aspirations to want to be a designer and entrepreneur or a famous businessman, in his own country and abroad. I am trying to learn to be better and could be.
I lecture at the University Gunadarma Kalimalang. I started college in 2010. I have eight semesters. In college campus, I never participated in a course on internet marketing through a blog account that is integrated with Joomla. I have also taken workshops on Income Tax Article 21.

I have experience in the trade and work. I often trade kpop merchandise, bags, accessories, shoes etc.. I'm never selling bread at the entrance busway shelter. I've sells kpop merchandise in kpop concerts being held in Indonesia. I have experience working freelance in several places. My first work experience was to input data entry, for clients Kid's Magz Fingerprint Analysis. I was also the SPG. I've worked as interviewer. And others.

So, from my introduction. I say many thanks.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

My Research Experience

Good morning friends .
Assalamualaikum ..

My name is Arum. I am Gunadarma university student. I majoring in economics. I am study at management faculty . I want to tell you my experience , when developing scientific research . The title of my research on " The Effect Of Working Capital Turnover Rate Liquidity Company ( Case Study : PT . Matahari Department Store Tbk . Tangerang ) .

actually the most memorable things of my scientific research preparation is when I have the guidance in three different places .
phew .. imagine tiring need guidance to Kalimas Campus , Campus E Kelapa Dua , and Campus J Kalimalang . ranging from lecturers to wait until I finished teaching the ditungguin lecturer . but that's a very enjoyable challenge .

The first thing I do to make scientific writing is to find a topic . What topic I will discuss , for further investigation . I'm looking to review the half - courses the previous semester . Divided - select any of the courses I have mastered and which have not .
After the can , I review the back of formulas and calculations . I continue searching scientific research journals . I am looking for a journal whose title is almost the same as my title .

Then I made her CHAPTER I . That makes me confused is when making formulation of the problem . Approximately issues like what should I researched . I also have to go back and forth to meet the lecturers on campus Kalimas . After checking my entire Chapter I , there are still to be revised . I got 2 times back and forth to campus Kalimalang to revise Chapter I. fortunately my father good supervisor , he would help me give you an idea of revising Chapter I.

After that , I worked on Chapter II . Which makes it difficult , when comparing materials reference books with material scientific research journals . Due to the materials used , the material of the reference book published in 2000. Should not be taking a reference under the year 2000 . From there I find another reference books in the library , at the bookstore , until I was looking at Kwitang . Finally I can finish well CHAPTER II . Fortunately CHAPTER II are not too concerned at his professor father . Because according to the professor is more important in Chapter III and Chapter IV .

CHAPTER II has been okay . Next I worked on Chapter III . In Chapter III a lot more on hypotheses and similar research studies . There I had to choose the existing hypotheses on the journal and matched with existing formulas in the reference books . Once finished , I immediately went to see the professor on campus two E oil . Because the professor was so coincidental committee invigilator . After the check , there are revised again . Because there are several similar research studies that are not relevant to the material covered . Next I correct the first . I worked all his CHAPTER IV . Once done , my way to the campus E oil two more .

I dateng campus E oil two , with two bowel movements. For quick guidance . Unfortunately I 'm late to the campus E oil unbeatable . Fortunately the professor is willing to wait for me . Having met the professor , I direct guidance . Remains still to be revised again . I met up 3 times a faculty mentor , to revise Chapter IV .

I don't give up! I though must be many times to the WARNET . I keep trying to do it . I am working again that Chapter V , just in case . Let more quickly completed his scientific writing . I did , until completion is revised his words . And finally in the same acc faculty mentor . Precisely when going acc scientific research that it is very stressful . Because time is getting a little , trial registration was getting full quota . but I believe , God's help is very near .

Alhamdulillah . Finally finished my deh results of scientific writing . I still unfinished struggle . Moreover, scientific writing session when registering . Beuh .. very long queue ..

Enough scientific writing my story , hopefully can be an inspiration for all of my friends . Excitement ! ! ! !

Wassalamualaikum ..

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014


Menurut pola umum dari surat - menyurat. Berikut terdapat sembilan (9) macam bentuk surat, yaitu :
1.     Bentuk Lurus Penuh (Full Block Style)
           Bentuk Lurus Penuh (Full Block Style) merupakan bentuk surat dimana Leher Surat, Tubuh Surat, dan Kaki Surat tidak membentuk sebuah paragraph melainkan membentuk sebuah blok penuh dari kiri hingga kanan. Pada bentuk lurus ini, tanggal dan salam penutup juga diketik mulai pasak garis pinggir kiri. Sehingga bentuk surat ini merupakan bentuk yang paling mudah diketik.


Jakarta, 15 Maret 2013
Jalan Raya Pakubuwono 9

Tuan-tuan yang terhormat,

Menurut pesanan Tuan tanggal 20 Februari 2013 dengan gembira kami kabarkan, bahwa hari ini telah kami kirimkan 15.000, buah porselin merk ”DK” warna biru. Bersama dengan ini kami sampaikan faktur dan daftar pengiriman barang, masing-masing rangkap dua, pelunasan sisa harga barang kami harapkan paling lama tanggal 21 Maret 2013.

Atas perhatian Tuan kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,


2.    Bentuk Lurus (Block Style)
           Bentuk Lurus (Block Style atau Modified Block Style) merupakan bentuk surat yang memiliki posisi kanan pada tanggal dan salam penutup. Selain tempat dan tanggal serta salam penutup, nama perusahaan (kantor), nama dan jabatan yang akan menandatangani diketik mulai dari tengah-tengah antara tepi kanan dan tepi kiri kertas.
Contoh :

Jakarta, 25 Maret 2013

Kepada Yth.
Segenap Nasabah Giro
Cabang Pondok Gede

Dengan hormat,

Dengan ini kami beritahukan, bahwa terhitung mulai tanggal 10 Mei 2008, Bank ”BCA” Cabang Sukabumi akan memberikan nama dan alamat penarik pada bagian belakang lembaran cek dan giro bilyet.
Untuk pelaksanaan tersebut permintaan buku cek dan buku giro bilyet baru dapat kami layani satu hari setelah pengajuan permintaan buku cek/giro bilyet baru.

Demikianlah agar diketahui, atas perhatian serta kerjasama yang baik kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,
PT Bank”BCA”

Drs. Suyono
Pimpinan Cabang

3.    Bentuk Setengah Lurus (Semi Block Style)
           Bentuk Setengah Lurus (Semi Block Style) merupakan bentuk surat dimana semua bagian surat, kecuali isi surat, diketiknya sama seperti bentuk lurus.
Surabaya, 27 Maret 2013

Kepada Perusahaan Mesin Offset
Jalan Teuku Cik Di Tiro 15

              Dengan hormat,

              Dengan gembira kami kabarkan kepada tuan, bahwa pengiriman 4 buah mesin offet telah kami terima dengan baik pada tanggal 08 April 2013.
Kemudian mulai tanggal 11 April 2013 mesin offset tersebut terus kami coba agar dapat berproduksi.

             Kami atas nama seluruh direksi dan karyawan mengucapkan selamat dan penghargaan setinggi-tingginya kepada tuan dan para pembantu seluruhnya. Dalam waktu singkat kami akan menyampaikan kepada tuan laporan selengkapnya mengenai data-data pengijinan tersebut.

Demikian sekali lagi kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami

Harist Cahyo Bintang
Direksi Teknik

1.     Bentuk Lekuk (Indented Style)
           Bentuk Lekuk (Indented Style) merupakan bentuk surat dimana surat yang di tujukan memiliki alinea formasi baris berbentuk tangga turun.
Contoh :
Semarang, 12 April 2013
Jalan Merpati 25

             Dengan hormat,

             Dengan sangat menyesal kami kabarkan kepada tuan bahwa pengiriman pupuk urea untuk pesanan tuan menjadi tertunda karena hal-hal yang di luar kekuasaan kami.

Sejak tanggal 5 April 2013 Semarang hujan terus-menerus, dan beberapa tempat milai tergenang air. Demikian juga tempat kami, sehingga disaat tergenang air kendaraan angkutan tidak masuk, pupuk-pupuk tidak dapat dikeluarkan dari gudang, ditambah lagi sebagian gudang kami tergenang air.

             Atas perhatian saudara, terhadap hal tersebut di atas kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami

Hadirun Kodir

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